Our Team

Chad Lariscy

Chad Lariscy

CEO | Customer Relations

As the CEO and head of Customer Relations at Cabin Cares, Chad Lariscy plays a pivotal role in the success and reputation of our business. With three decades of experience in the real estate industry and a deep passion for serving the Georgia Mountains community, Chad’s leadership ensures that Cabin Cares continues to thrive. As CEO, he provides strategic direction and oversees the day-to-day operations of our company. Chad’s unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, rooted in his Christian values and love for his family, drives him to personally connect with our clients, understanding their unique needs and ensuring that our services exceed their expectations. He embodies the heart and soul of Cabin Cares, making it a business that truly cares about its customers and the mountain homes they hold dear.

Teren Hooper

Teren Hooper

Project Manager

As the Project Manager at Cabin Cares, Teren Hooper plays a vital role in bringing our clients’ cabin dreams to life. With his extensive background in project management and a deep appreciation for the intricacies of cabin and home improvement, Teren ensures that every project is executed with precision and excellence. His attention to detail, combined with his commitment to customer satisfaction, makes him an invaluable asset to our team. Teren oversees each project from inception to completion, coordinating the efforts of our skilled craftsmen to ensure that every remodeling, repair, or maintenance task is completed to perfection. With his dedication and expertise, Teren Hooper is instrumental in delivering the high-quality results that Cabin Cares is known for, turning our clients’ visions into reality.

Trent Hodge

Trent Hodge

Project Manager

Trent Hodge serves as the dedicated Project Manager at Cabin Cares, where his expertise and attention to detail drive the successful execution of our remodeling, repair, and maintenance projects. With a background in project management, Trent assumes a pivotal role in overseeing every project’s lifecycle. He collaborates closely with our team of skilled craftsmen, ensuring seamless coordination and adherence to project timelines. Trent’s commitment to excellence is evident in his meticulous approach, ensuring that each project aligns precisely with our clients’ unique visions and expectations. Beyond project oversight, Trent serves as a trusted point of contact for clients, fostering transparent communication and quick problem-solving. His unwavering dedication to client satisfaction ensures that Cabin Cares consistently delivers top-quality results and exceeds customer expectations. With Trent Hodge leading our projects, clients can have complete confidence in the exceptional care and attention to detail applied to their cabin or home transformations.